The Relationship Between Culture and Language [In 9 Simple Steps]

Magnifying glass highlights the word 'culture'
Understanding a country's culture is important when you're learning a new language.

To learn a language, you need to understand basic grammar and memorise words. But you need to do more than that. You might be able to say “apples” in German but that doesn’t necessarily mean you know the etiquette of ordering apple juice from a bar in Berlin. You need to understand the relationship between the language and the culture that underlies it.

In fact, you might be shocked to see what they serve you!

When it comes to engaging a native in conversation, there’s a lot more to it than plucking words out of a dictionary. What am I referring to? I’m referring to understanding the cultural environment. You cannot learn a language without understanding the culture that underlies it.

Language Sets Culture in Context

Culture is what gives a place identity, and a language (and subsequent conversations) its context. Each new word you memorise suddenly has meaning when you understand the culture. And when you understand the sociocultural backdrop, it’s far easier to engage the locals in conversation. They understand you! 

Culture, then, is key to picking up a new language. You’ll even find that many high schools send their students abroad on foreign exchange programs just so they can learn more about the culture. 

How Culture Boosts Conversational Engagement 

People chatting and understanding the relationship between language and the culture that underlies it.
Understanding a country’s culture helps you to go beyond the surface of mere words on your screen so that you really understand how they’re used when talking to people.

Whenever you learn a new language, you must learn all kinds of things – adverbs, tenses, verbs, phrasal verbs, et cetera. Then, there are all the words and letters, too! 

Learning all of this can be pretty underwhelming unless you learn the cultural context as well. Because it’s the cultural context that gives your conversations meaning. It helps you to go beyond the surface of mere words on your screen so that you really understand how they’re used when talking to people. You need to understand the relationship between the language and the culture that underlies it.

To learn culture, you need to put aside your dictionary and textbooks for the moment. Instead, you need to make use of other resources.

Films and Youtube

Watching a foreign language can improve your language learning skills immeasurably. Simply switching from a dubbed movie to one with subtitles gives you a feel for how the locals speak. Pay attention to their expressions, tones and accents. The more you do this, the more you will understand the cultural context. And remember, characters in movies often talk how people talk in real life! 

Magazines and Newspapers

Magazine columnists (especially gossip columnists!) often write how people speak. It’s a very different style to what you’ll find in textbooks. Sure, they still employ correct grammar, but their flow and style is more natural. So yeah, next time you’re out, pick up a celebrity magazine in a different language!

A person reading an online newspaper in Italian and understanding the country's culture
Reading a country’s newspapers helps you better understand its culture, and learn its language.

Blogs and Books

The advantage of reading a blog in another language is that, unlike a magazine, you don’t have to pay for it. Another advantage is that you’ll likely come across more terminology and slang words that will help you develop a more rounded, natural version of the language you’re using. 

Ever read Dostoevsky in his original Russian? If you’re learning Russian, now’s the time to do just that! It’s a challenge but it’s one that will give new meaning to the words and phrases you’ve read before. 

Go Travel

I can’t stress this one enough. It’s one thing learning a new language in the dour confines of a classroom, but it’s quite another to actually go out there and get in and amongst the natives who speak this language all day long. Travel is the best way to get to grips with a language. It forces you to listen, to understand, to engage and to learn. Yes, you’ll make mistakes, but with great focus and a willingness to learn, your language skills will be enriched. Travel is a great way to understand the relationship between the language and the culture that underlies it.

You’ll Make Fewer Mistakes 

Imagine if a non-native English speaker came to visit you. The two of you were sat in a bar, chatting away, when a friend of yours popped in and remarked how it’s “raining cats and dogs” today. You know exactly what that means, so you shake your head and agree. Your non-native friend, however, has only studied English out of a textbook and a dictionary, and so has no idea what your friend is referring to! They are very confused. 

When you understand English culture and the way we use our language in various ways, you’re able to communicate efficiently and effectively with people. You’re able to understand the various meanings behind “pants” and you know there’s a difference between our “trainers” and America’s “sneakers.” When you don’t understand cultural context, on the other hand, you’re completely lost. 

It’s the same with any language. Latin Americans, for example, might speak all the same language on a superficial level, but each variety has its own colours and nuances. The word “fresa” means one thing to Mexicans and another to Spaniards. Pick any language – Chinese, Arabic, French, German – and you’ll run into the same issues. Words have different meanings and it’s only by understanding culture that you can then grasp the meaning. Understand the relationship between the language and the culture gives your language-speaking abilities more depth. 

Learning a New Language Becomes Easier

When you think about it, we’re all cultural learners. As we grow up, our language learning abilities are only as good as our cultural references. You can speed up language learning when you understand the culture that underlies it.

You could learn a new language without having any understanding of its cultural backdrop, but it’s rather ignorant to do so. It’s kinda like making peri-peri chicken but without the sauce! You need to truly understand how to use the right ingredients. Otherwise, it’s still chicken but there’s no flavour.

A Japanese family spend time together
It would be foolish to learn a new language without having any understanding of its cultural backdrop.

If you go to do business in China but you’ve only learned Chinese out of a textbook, your language speaking abilities will miss the spot. You need to know why they speak the language they do. How do they live, act, eat? What are their traditions and beliefs? I have a Swedish friend who lives in England, and people tell me they can’t believe how she seems to know Britons better than they know themselves. It’s because she’s taken the time to understand our culture. 

Thinking In Another Language 

If you understand culture, you can add meaning to your words. This is because you’ll be thinking in your new language. This allows you to see the bigger picture and context. You need to understand the relationship between the language and the culture that underlies it.

For example, there are concepts which are easy for you to express in your native language. But try expressing them in another language and you’ll hit a dead end – unless you understand the cultural context. 

All in all, culture is critical when learning a new language. It sketches in the background and adds detail. You learn more about a country’s lifestyle, its literature, its art, its history, and all of this brings the language to life and ensures greater proficiency on your part. If you feel strongly about whether it’s possible to separate language learning and cultural understanding, why not leave a comment below?


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